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Latest iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad App Reviews:

GUNCHO review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on June 26th, 2024
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: DECENT SHOT
This roguelike from Arnold Rauers is solid, but not as special as his previous releases.

Warbits Plus review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on May 24th, 2024
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: MORE WAR
This remade tactics game has a lot to offer, but its charm can wear thin before you’re done with it.

Strange Horticulture review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on May 9th, 2024
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: PAGE TURNER
This game pulls out all the stops to make a game that is essentially about research and plant identification a compelling adventure.

Loop Hero review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on May 2nd, 2024
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: TARNISHED BY TIME
In the loops of time since release, this novel dungeon-crawler has lost some shine.

Wildfrost review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on April 24th, 2024
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: RIMELAND ROGUELITE
This roguelite deckbuilder isn’t perfect on mobile but it has enough charm and novelty to make it worth playing.

Ghost Trick review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on April 18th, 2024
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: RETURN FROM THE DEAD
This aging cult classic gets a shiny new remaster on iOS.

Slice & Dice review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on March 28th, 2024
Our rating: starstarstarstarstar :: PARTY PARLAY
This dice-based dungeon crawler has no shortage of design ingenuity and distinct identity, making it a standout roguelike experience.

Methods: Detective Competition review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on March 19th, 2024
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: SILLY START
This quirky detective visual novel is the charming start to a lengthy adventure.

Space is Vast, So Space Agency Has a Vast New Update!

Posted by Jessica Fisher on March 2nd, 2015
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: TO THE HEAVENS :: Read Review »

Space Agency, by Nooleus, is a rocket launching simulation game. The app lets you build rockets, launch satellites, create a space station, and explore the solar system. Nooleus has released the latest update with a ton of new features! Version 1.4.0 gives you a slew of new missions, parts, and sandboxes as well as allowing you to see inside your spacecraft, carry and transfer cargo, and share sandboxes with friends. Space Agency has also gotten better graphics, improved controls, and a bunch of other quality of life upgrades.

You can download Space Agency for $1.99 and check out all the new stuff.

The first ever action 3D card battler All Star Legion is out now on iOS

Posted by Simon Reed on March 2nd, 2015

On the other hand, you probably haven't played an action 3D card battler - until now. Step forward, All Star Legion.

All Star Legion is a 3D QTE-based action RPG card battler, but fear not - the game itself isn't as convoluted as its description.

You collect over thirty heroes to train and summon into battle with you, first deciding on the timing, combo, and sequence that your heroes will use their skills and then watch the battle takes place.

Rather than just sit there and watch though, you'll participate in QTEs to ensure the effectiveness of each attack - possibly even making them more powerful in the process.

There's a similar system in play during enemy's attacks as well. It's a lot more challenging but you can actually interrupt an enemy's attacks if you're skilled at tap-timing.

Each hero has different strengths and weaknesses, and so are actually more and less effective against different opponents. As a result, it certainly pays to choose the right hero for the right occasion.

They begin with a star level between one and three but can eventually evolve into a five star hero - so be patient with less powerful heroes because they could grow to be your favorites.

Head on over to the App Store [download] or Google Play [download] to get All Star Legion right now for free.

This article is sponsored as part of Steel Media Preferred Partners.

Travel Back to the 1980s With the Making Of Trailer for Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic.

Posted by Jessica Fisher on March 2nd, 2015

Headup Games has released a hilarious making of video for its upcoming title, Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic. The game is a RPG/Roguelike where you control three heroes set to save the township of Pixton from an evil cult called The Sons of Dawn. They're going to summon up some ancient, terrible god so you had better work fast to thwart the cult's efforts. You'll have thirty hero classes to unlock, each with individual skills and attributes as well as a ton of procedurally generated weapons to choose from. Once you have your party, you'll be ready to face the thirteen dungeons and their epic bosses. With your characters facing permadeath, will you be able to make it all the way to the final dungeon? If you don't, you can always mourn your dead in the graveyard which displayed past heroes statistics and causes of death.

You'll be able to download Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic March 5th.

Get The Whole Story - Lone Wolf Complete is Now Available and On Sale

Posted by Jessica Fisher on February 27th, 2015
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Complete is now available.

It's a combination of all the previous releases in the series where you get all four acts (Blood on the Snow, Forest Hunt, The Shianti Halls, and Dawn over V'taag) of the gamebook saga for one price. Relive the story of Kai Lord of Sommerlund as he explores the world of Magnamundor or try it for the first time. And to celebrate the launch, Bulkypix is offering the app on sale for $9.99 for a limited time.

Download Lone Wolf Complete for $9.99 on the App Store today to start telling your story.

Who Wore it Best? The Counting Dead vs. AdVenture Capitalist

Posted by Jordan Minor on February 27th, 2015

Like it or not, the "clicker" genre, popularized by cute distractions like Candy Box and Cookie Clicker, seems like it's here to stay. So Who Wore it Best? takes a look at two recent examples: The Counting Dead and AdVenture Capitalist.

Card Crawl, the Mini Deck Building Game, is Coming Soon

Posted by Jessica Fisher on February 27th, 2015

Tinytouchtales and Mexer have announced their new game, Card Crawl.

The game uses a mix of solitaire and deck-building mechanics to create a dungeon crawl. You'll have 5 ability cards to work with as you explore a 54 card dungeon while slaying monsters, collecting gold, and finding helpful items. Gold can be used to buy better ability cards to give you more options when designing your tactics. Each game takes no more than 2-3 minutes, which means you can play it on the go.

Card Crawl will be $1.99 on the App Store when it's released on March 12.

Witness an all new puzzle mechanic in BlastBall MAX out now on iOS

Posted by Simon Reed on February 27th, 2015

Well, BlastBall MAX is not one of those games and is bucking trends such as timers, elements of randomness, and tacked-on mechanics in favor of pure puzzle gameplay.

When you first boot up the game you'll see a grid made up of squares that are each filled with four circle-shaped holes in it, and some of those holes will have yellow balls sitting in them.

Following me so far?

You have a selection of yellow balls of your own and you can place one at any point on the board.

The goal is to create a row of at least five balls, at which point the balls will be 'blasted', which removes the two outermost balls.

At this point the most interesting mechanic comes into play: the center ball changes color and takes on an entirely new ability that completely changes the dynamic of the game.

There are boosts there for those who are struggling, such as a 'Multiplier Maximiser' that increases your multiplier to the maximum if you blast a row with eight balls in it.

With over 90 missions to complete, the game is full to the brim with content and totally warrants the premium price tag. This is one puzzle game where it totally pays to, um, pay.

Follow the link to the App Store [download] to get started on your BlastBall Max adventure right now.

This article is sponsored as part of Steel Media Preferred Partners.

This Princess Has a Dragon and She isn't Afraid to Useit. Dragon Hills is Coming This Spring

Posted by Jessica Fisher on February 27th, 2015

Like an angry union of Tiny Wings and Super Mega Worm, Rebel Twins' new game Dragon Hills is lurking just around the corner.

The game is about a one-tap dragon of destruction that will leap from the ground, slide down hills, and crash though windmills, villages, knights, and anything else stupid enough to get in its way. You are the furious princess that controls the dragon, and you're bent on revenge.

Check out the trailer for Dragon Hills below, which is coming out this spring.

Reliance Games and Dreamworks Unveil Real Steel Champions

Posted by Ellis Spice on February 27th, 2015
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: ANOTHER CYBERNETIC HIT :: Read Review »

Reliance Games and Dreamworks have announced that a third game in the Real Steel series of mobile fighting games, Real Steel Champions, will be making its way to iOS this March.

Based off of the Real Steel movie, this new entry in the series will feature ten new arenas, a new Tournament mode, and for the first time in the series will allow players to create their own custom robot. Custom robots are crafted from a combination of parts, including those from fan favorites Atom, Noisy Boy, and Midas, as well as boxing moves, which players can customize in order to destroy each opponent strategically and swiftly.

Real Steel Champions is set to fight its way into the App Store this March.

A New Badland Update Brings Daydream Levels to Co-Op

Posted by Ellis Spice on February 27th, 2015
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: GLORIOUSLY SIMPLE :: Read Review »

The latest update for Frogmind's popular flying platformer Badland has arrived on the App Store. It brings in the ten levels from the game's Daydream level pack into co-op, lifting the total of co-op levels available up to 100. Furthermore, the game now boasts an additional 30 missions and four achievements.

Badland is available on the App Store now for $3.99.

Will Your Pet Make the Cut? Buzzfeed's Cute or Not is Here to Decide

Posted by Jessica Fisher on February 26th, 2015
iPhone & Apple Watch App - Designed for iPhone and Apple Watch, compatible with iPad

BuzzFeed, the masters of hilarious lists, have created their second app: Cute or Not. The app lets you upload photos of your pets and vote for your favorites from thousands of photos. You can swipe right or left to view all the most adorable pets on the internet, and with the power of the mighty voting finger you can decide their fate. Will they become a highly voted, viral sensation or a long forgotten cuddle bug of the past. You decide.

You can also share your favorites with friends and family with the social functions and earn badges to proudly display.

Download Cute or Not for free on the app store and let squeak (or bark, or hiss, etc) the pets of war!

Season 4 of Zombies, Run! is Shambling This Way

Posted by Jessica Fisher on February 26th, 2015
iPhone & Apple Watch App - Designed for iPhone and Apple Watch, compatible with iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: TERRIFYING EXERCISE FUN :: Read Review »

Are you ready to run for your life all over again? Season 4 of Zombies, Run! will be launching this Spring! The update will come with 40 new missions and a huge number of new options.

You'll be able to edit and delete run logs from inside the app and sync with the website, see your estimated mission duration, set your difficulty, and autoplay next mission if you find yourself ready to run two back to back. Six to Start has also improved the music playback so now it is even easier to use Spotify, Pandora, and other streaming music services. In addition, there will be a new user interface, in-app mission synopses, a Halfway-there notification, and more.

You can download Zombies, Run! for $3.99 on the App Store to start training.

100 Million Piggies Can't Be All Bad. Rovio Celebrates Bad Piggies' Popularity with a New Update

Posted by Jessica Fisher on February 26th, 2015
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarstar :: EXTREMELY CRAFTY :: Read Review »

Rovio is celebrating 100 million downloads of the (quite apparently) popular Bad Piggies with a new update.

Bad Piggies is the Angry Birds spinoff that lets you play as the pigs as they build vehicles from scrap and try to navigate their way through levels without being blown up. It's getting a new Sandbox level called Little Pig Adventure and a new part called the gearbox, which allows you to make your inventions travel in reverse.

There are also some new achievements to collect, so download Bad Piggies for $0.99 and start building.

Legacy Quest is an Upcoming Roguelike That'll Kill the Whole Family

Posted by Jessica Fisher on February 26th, 2015

Nexon Co. and Socialspiel Entertainment are teaming up to develop a new roguelike-inspired action role playing game called Legacy Quest. You become the ever-valiant, yet doomed to die, line of heroes that face an adventure that will have them delving dungeons and vanquishing monsters. Each time a hero dies in the game, their soul is collected and you can use that energy to unlock new traits and upgrade the next hero in your bloodline.

The game has a fun 8-bit style look and gives players tons of options for customization. You can even discover lost relics from some of your past selves. The game will have a social features to let you trade weapons and armor with your friends, join Guilds, and play in player-versus-environment challenges.

“Every time a player takes their hero into a dungeon in Legacy Quest they’re creating their own personal journey that will quite literally echo throughout every other player's game experience in the form of epic loot,” said Mike Borras, CEO of Socialspiel, in a press release. “But it’s not entirely about collecting loot, we’re going to ensure that players are met with an awesome feeling of accomplishment in Legacy Quest as they battle their way through hordes of monsters while sharing that adventure with friends.”

There is no official release date yet, but you can check out the sweet trailer for Legacy Quest below.

Action RPG League of Angels - Fire Raiders will launch globally on mobile soon

Posted by Simon Reed on February 26th, 2015

Gaia is being invaded by the Devil Prince and the demonic Devil Army at his disposal, and it's up to you and your avatar to defeat him in League of Angels - Fire Raiders.

Raise a mighty army from hundreds of recruitable angel heroes and take the fight to the Devil Prince as you endeavor to liberate the lands of Gaia.

The very best gear will be made available to your avatar and heroes, which can be enhanced via socketable gems.

Your avatar will level-up on its journey to become the finest leader the land of Gaia has ever seen and you can customize it to fit your desired playstyle.

The base of your operations is a castle that must be defended at all costs - bolster its defenses by casting potent magic spells.

Guilds full of allies can be created or joined and you can battle against fellow or opposing players in local or cross-server arena wars.

League of Angels - Fire Raiders is all set for global launch in the App Store and Google Play soon. Head on over to the official Facebook page and hit 'Like' to be the first to know when a date is revealed, and visit the official website for further information.

This article is sponsored as part of Steel Media Preferred Partners.