What's New

- iOS 12 compatibility

App Description

iWOD Remote is designed to work exclusively with iWOD for iPad. iWOD is the ideal workout timer app for your garage or home gym.

Available Settings:

- AMRAP - As many reps/rounds as possible.
- EMOM - Every minute on the minute.
- Tabata - 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
- Fight Gone Bad - 5 minutes of work (1 exercise every minute) followed by 1 minute of rest.
- Count Up/Count Down

Bluetooth must be enabled on both devices for iWOD Remote to function properly.

1. Tap on Settings.
2. Tap on Bluetooth.
3. Flip the On/Off button to toggle Bluetooth on.

Compatible with iWOD version 1.3 and later. iOS 8 and later is required on iPad for iWOD Remote to work properly.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

iWOD Remote screenshot 1 iWOD Remote screenshot 2

App Changes

  • May 04, 2015 Initial release
  • June 14, 2019 New version 1.2


Da Vinci's Puzzle Music Sleep Timer Ultimate Goalie Pong Audio Countdown The Tab Key Web Demo iWOD