What's New

Check out the latest version of Mission BioHero, including:
- Improved animations
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Scan an EU label in our companion app "Label BioHero" and get 600 extra Happy Points

Have fun saving the planet!

App Description

The player assumes the role of a godly being sent to Earth to destroy it, having deemed by its elders that it cannot be saved. The character arrives on Earth and experiences a change of heart, instead deciding to help the humans save their planet. Disapprovingly, the elders strip the player’s character from their powers, which they must regain throughout the game. Both this and helping mankind to save the world serve as the main goals of the story. The game is divided into campaigns, each revolving around one major subject that relates to sustainability, and bio-economy. Finish those game missions to save the planet!

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Mission BioHero screenshot 1 Mission BioHero screenshot 2 Mission BioHero screenshot 3 Mission BioHero screenshot 4 Mission BioHero screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Mission BioHero screenshot 6 Mission BioHero screenshot 7 Mission BioHero screenshot 8 Mission BioHero screenshot 9 Mission BioHero screenshot 10

App Changes

  • October 03, 2023 Initial release