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iPhone 4 Retina Icon Support

Change the background from boring black, to a super cool image in your photo library.

App Description

A physics game where you control a bouncy ball. Grab it and throw it across the screen. Or turn your iDevice on its side to have a landscape area to play with.

Want a purple ball? A yellow ball? How about a very tiny ball? Or a very large ball? Tap the settings button in the bottom right hand corner to change the properties of your ball!

Great for entertainment when you can't play with a bouncy ball, such as a plane or a train!

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Green Ball screenshot 1 Green Ball screenshot 2 Green Ball screenshot 3 Green Ball screenshot 4

App Changes

  • September 23, 2011 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
  • October 06, 2011 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
  • October 07, 2011 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!