What's New

Keep Calm and update :)

App Description

Get access to our collection of tens of KEEP CALM quotes, 100% original!

Your friend sent you a message? Answer him with one of our KEEP CALM stickers.

Funny, punchy, inspiring, stimulating… There is a KEEP CALM sticker for each situation!

KEEP CALM, and carry on (the original)
KEEP CALM, it’s almost Friday
KEEP CALM, and Hakuna Matata
KEEP CALM, and use the force
KEEP CALM, and cheers
KEEP CALM, and be a unicorn
KEEP CALM, and be cool
KEEP CALM, and be unique
KEEP CALM, and just dance
KEEP CALM, and pretend it’s not monday
KEEP CALM, and never give up

and it's just a little overview! The list will be refreshed regularly.

*100% handmade

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Keep Calm and stick me screenshot 1 Keep Calm and stick me screenshot 2

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Keep Calm and stick me screenshot 3 Keep Calm and stick me screenshot 4

App Changes

  • November 09, 2016 Initial release
  • November 16, 2016 New version 1.2

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