Fantasy Monster Pro Review
iPhone App
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Fantasy Monster Pro Review

Our Review by Chris Hall on August 27th, 2010
Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: FANTASY WIN
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FanMo takes your fantasy game with you wherever you go. Now you have absolutely no excuse to not set your lineup.

Developer: Bignoggins Productions
Price: $4.99
Version Reviewed: 2.2

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

People ask each other all the time what time of year they like best. Some people say autumn, some say Christmas time, but I say fantasy football season. The months of August to December are, by far, the best months of the year because I get to destroy my fellow football friends in fantasy football.

Being a real gridiron guru is a demanding job with freak injuries and breakout performances happening at any given moment. We are often able to jump to our computers quickly to make a snap change, but sometimes we are out of the house (the horror!).

Fortunately, we have iPhones.

There are a handful of fantasy apps out there, but none that are quite as comprehensive as Fantasy Monster. Instead of being stuck on one service or another, FanMo supports Yahoo! and ESPN fantasy leagues (the two largest and in my opinion, best) at once. If you buy FanMo Pro instead of the football only version, you can pile up your fantasy baseball, basketball, and hockey teams too!

There's really not much to the interface, as it is as straightforward as it gets. With the app, you can edit lineups, make trades, pick up free agents, use the league message boards, and check out your current game scores. Everything is set up with big buttons, and while it isn't the prettiest thing in the world, it gets the job done.

If you are really lazy on any given week, the app will even auto set all of your lineups at once, or for any specific team you want. So don't be that lazy manager who plays guys on bye weeks, pick up FanMo and win a league for a change.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Fantasy Monster Pro screenshot 1 Fantasy Monster Pro screenshot 2 Fantasy Monster Pro screenshot 3 Fantasy Monster Pro screenshot 4 Fantasy Monster Pro screenshot 5
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