Rocket League Sideswipe's Season Four brings back Hoops and introduces Mutator Madness

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 7th, 2022
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Rocket League Sideswipe continues to be one of our favorite multiplayer games to keep coming back to, and recently Psyonix gave players more of a reason to. With Season 4 launching this week, the game's beloved Hoops mode returns for Ranked and casual play in addition to an entirely different casual mode known as Mutator Madness.

The season also brings some new cosmetics that all seem to be revolving around medieval tropes, but the real new thing to talk about is this new mode and exactly how it works. Read on below to find out more.

Mutator Madness is an extremely chaotic mode where certain features of a match, including the gravity, ball shape, the size of your car, and even how many jumps you get are randomly selected for each match. You then play this wild variant and cast a vote on whether or not you enjoyed that particular game type. At the end of the week, the most favored mode then gets featured for everyone to play.

To get a sense of just how wild things can get, check out the overview video at the top of the article. As you can see, having different amounts of jumps or even being completely reoriented upside down can have a dramatic impact on how differently you have to play what is otherwise the same game.

Presumably because of the random elements, Mutator Madness isn't available for Ranked play, but it is a welcome addition to the game considering Season 4's Ranked variant is a return of Hoops from the game's first season. As always though, Rocket League Sideswipe's battle pass doesn't really differentiate between Ranked vs. Casual play for rewards and--perhaps best of all--doesn't require or even allow for real money to be put into it. This is one of the many reasons why Rocket League Sideswipe secured our Game of the Year award last year, and we're hoping it continues to have a nice, long life-cycle on iOS.

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