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Top Mobile Game Discounts

Posted by Campbell Bird on May 30th, 2024

Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links below to further vet these discounted games before you decide to buy:

Games marked with an asterisk(*) denote that the entire developer/publisher’s catalog is discounted, despite the fact that all of their games may not be listed here.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - Top 25 [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 6th, 2022

In case you missed it, I am on a quest to rank every Apple Arcade game there is.

Over a year into the Apple Arcade experiment, I’m adjusting my approach to these rankings to make it a bit less cumbersome to update and read. For the most part, this means the number of updates on previously released games will decrease, and the text below each entry will be kept to a brief-yet-accurate justification for its positioning.

This has less to do with the pace of Apple Arcade releases and more to do with the fact that the general quality of games on the service simply isn’t what it should be. In the time that one release comes to the service, multiple high quality games hit the App Store that you don’t have to pay monthly upkeep for. Unless something drastic changes with the service, my opinion on it probably won’t change much. With the most recent update bringing older established titles to the service, Arcade is certainly the strongest it has ever been, but additional shakeups like this will need to keep happening to finally sell me on the service.

Anyway, on with the ranking updates:

Game ranking updates for 7/6:

The best mobile games like Diablo (but not Immortal)

Posted by Campbell Bird on June 17th, 2022

Diablo Immortal has now been out in the wild for some time now, and it’s basically more impressive as a game than I initially expected and more disappointing on the monetization front than anticipated. You can read a full review here, but the upshot is the game is a perfectly fine and highly polished way to do some Diablo-style grinding and the store—though shitty—can mostly be ignored.

If you don’t want to support or engage with free-to-play design and/or Activision Blizzard generally, first: I totally understand as there is no shortage of reasons for having these sentiments! And secondly: I have good news! There is a veritable bounty of games on the App Store that can deliver a very Diablo-like experience without a gross store or company attached to them. Check out our top picks below.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - 201+ [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on April 13th, 2022

This is part 9 of our Apple Arcade rankings. Quick navigation to other parts:

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201+

201. A Fold Apart

[img id="104466" alt=""]


A Fold Apart combines puzzles designed around a "paper folding" mechanic with a story that examines the anxiety and uncertainty of a relationship being put to the test. Each chapter begins with a texting conversation where you can choose from some pre-determined replies. This then transforms into a nightmarish puzzle landscape whenever one person texts something that strikes a nerve. In this part of the game you have to flip and fold your environment to get your character to collect stars in order to press forward.

Rank Explanation:

If I had to think of one word to describe A Fold Apart, it would be immature. The characters in the game have wild overreactions to each other’s messages in a way that feels juvenile. This descriptor also applies to A Fold Apart’s gameplay, which could have used some more time to fully develop. The controls are frustratingly imprecise and slow, and puzzles need a quick undo or restart button. None of A Fold Apart really feels like it fits together the right way.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - 126-150 [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on September 16th, 2021

This is part 6 of our Apple Arcade rankings. Quick navigation to other parts:

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201+

126. Neversong

[img id="104797" alt=""]


Neversongis a strange mishmash of games. It’s a mediation on mental health, but it’s also an action platformer. You play as a boy Peet, who’s girlfriend was stolen away from him, causing him to fall into a coma. After waking, he sets off on a strange and surreal adventure to find his girlfriend while battling bug-like enemies and swinging around environments.

Rank Explanation:

I think the odd blending of tones and genre conventions gives Neversong a truly unique flavor, but I’d like it more if the things it implemented felt a little better. The platforming itself is serviceable, but Peet’s hitbox in combat doesn’t feel right, and the swinging mechanics that the game introduces later on don’t work well on touch at all. I want to see where Neversonggoes, but I’ll only be enjoying it in small bursts using a controller unless some updates come through to improve the touch experience.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - 151-175 [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on September 16th, 2021

This is part 7 of our Apple Arcade rankings. Quick navigation to other parts:

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201+

151. Zen Pinball Party

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Zen Studios brings their expertise at emulating the look and feel of pinball action to Apple Arcade with Zen Pinball Party. This game has a dozen virtualized pinball tables that you can simply play casually or take on to compete in various challenges via online leaderboards.

Rank Explanation:

This is a fine and good pinball game if you want a more pure pinball experience on mobile. It's also definitely captures the feeling of real pinball better than other games on the service like The Pinball Wizard or Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes. That said, the purity of the experience also makes it feel a little sterile, which is good if you're really into straight-up pinball, but not so much if you just kinda like it more in theory. I'm more the latter.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - 176-200 [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on September 16th, 2021

This is part 8 of our Apple Arcade rankings. Quick navigation to other parts:

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201+

176. NBA 2K21 Arcade Edition

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2K Sports has added a version of their popular pro basketball game franchise to mobile. Play as your favorite NBA teams with real players, or create your own and play out their full career. NBA 2K21 Arcade Edition also features online multiplayer and a Blacktop mode for playing 3v3 street hoops.

Rank Explanation:

NBA 2K21 Arcade Edition is an attempt at bringing a realistic basketball experience to smaller screens, but it mostly just feels swimmy and flat. I will say--against my better judgement--I am oddly compelled by the idea fighting my way up to the starting lineup with a created character, but most of that involves struggling against a really unresponsive control scheme, weird background audio, and a lot of cutaway shots that get in the way of me just playing some poor-feeling basketball.

The 5 Best Mobile Games Like Genshin Impact

Posted by Campbell Bird on October 6th, 2020
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: GIGA GACHA :: Read Review »

Genshin Impact is easily the most ambitious game to hit mobile devices to date, and we’re over here loving every second we can spend with the game. There are a few things about it that aren’t ideal though, so it’s entirely understandable why someone might walk away from it disappointed.

In light of that, we decided to put together a list of mobile games that are somewhat like Genshin Impact just in case you were looking for an alternative to play for the time-being. Check out our picks below. You can find our other game recommendation lists here.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - 26-50 [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on September 16th, 2020

This is part 2 of our Apple Arcade rankings. Quick navigation to other parts:

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201+

26. Kingdom Rush Frontiers+

[img id="113597" alt=""]


Ironhide Game Studio has brought one of their acclaimed tower-defense games to Apple Arcade with Kingdom Rush Frontiers+. Your goal is simple, protect a goal point by building towers stationed by archers, wizards, warriors, and more as waves of increasingly challenging and complicated enemies get thrown at you.

Rank Explanation:

The Kingdom Rush games are untouchably good tower defense games. I can't think of another franchise that even approaches the same level of quality and polish as these ones. That said, I think Frontiers is a relatively weak pick from their lineup to throw onto Arcade. It's great, but it's no Vengeance, so basically on par with a lot of Apple Arcade decision-making.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - 51-75 [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on September 16th, 2020

This is part 3 of our Apple Arcade rankings. Quick navigation to other parts:

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201+

51. Slash Quest!

[img id="107855" alt=""]


Slash Quest!is a colorful action game where you steer a sword much in the same way you might a shopping cart to chop down enemies and solve environmental puzzles.

Rank Explanation:

This game reminds me a lot of B-tier Playstation platformers, and I mean that as a term of endearment. There’s a charming weirdness here that’s hard to put your finger on, and it backs up its simple goofy mechanics with systems that are geniunely fun to play around with.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - 76-100 [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on September 16th, 2020

This is part 4 of our Apple Arcade rankings. Quick navigation to other parts:

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201+

76. Creaks

[img id="105862" alt=""]


Amanita Design’s second release on Apple Arcade is a more standard puzzle adventure than Pilgrims. Creaks has you playing as a young man who is lost in a mysterious world found through a crack in his apartment. The challenges here are ones of traversal, and most of your time is spent figuring out how to manipulate your environment to hit the right switches you need to move forward.

Rank Explanation:

Creaks hit during a wave of Apple Arcade duds hit the service, and even then it’s nothing too fancy. Of course, it has the signature Amanita Design style, but otherwise feels like their take on Inside (a thing quite a number of Apple Arcade games have done for some reason). It’s a totally solid experience that is helped a lot by its audio and visual design, despite feeling a tad derivative.

Apple Arcade: Ranked - 101-125 [Updated 7.6]

Posted by Campbell Bird on September 16th, 2020

This is part 5 of our Apple Arcade rankings. Quick navigation to other parts:

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201+

101. The Hitchhiker

[img id="109872" alt=""]


Chat your way down the open road with a variety of different drivers. Things always start out friendly enough, but there's a dark underbelly to these conversations you uncover as you go. Occasionally, you'll also have to do some sleuthing find the next step of your journey.

Rank Explanation:

The Hitchhiker wastes no time getting weird, so no spoilers here. Anyway, the conversations you have with your drivers can go a long time before they reach interesting territory. In the meantime, you can aimlessly look around the car, which can and will frequently trigger dialogue options by accident. This is fine enough, though, since the game doesn't really seem to care what you say to your drivers. Overall, not particularly impressed.

The 5 Best Mobile Games Like Animal Crossing

Posted by 148Apps Staff on March 12th, 2020

Looking forward to Animal Crossing: New Horizons? We know the feeling. We can't wait to start delivering fish and butterflies to our cute fuzzy friends, despite the fact that at times it can feel more like a vocation than a game.

But what if you're looking for a mobile game to try and ensure you get your cuteness fix in the meantime? Well, there's Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, but we reckon we can do better than that. Which is why we've created this list of the five best games like Animal Crossing for iOS.

Check out our list below, and if you've got your own suggestions make sure you stick them in the comments section. Oh, and click here to check out all of the other great lists we've been making recently.

What games are there like Rage 2 for mobile?

Posted by Harry Slater on May 16th, 2018

Well, the Rage 2 trailer came out. It's pretty interesting, if you're in to post apocalyptic destruction and games that look an awful lot like Borderlands. But, y'know, shinier. But since that sort of non-portable game really isn't our bag here at 148Apps, we thought it'd make sense to make a list of games that are a bit like Rage 2 that we actually do care about.

One of them was a pretty easy choice. Can you guess which one it was? Even if you can't, make sure you give the list a read, and if you think we've missed something out, let us know in the comments at the bottom of the article. Or if you just want to tell us we've wasted our time and should be doing better. Say something.

The best mobile games like Stardew Valley

Posted by Jessica Famularo on September 27th, 2017

Stardew Valley is coming soon to Switch, and we'll finally be able to carry the game around with us like the world's greatest security blanket. There's nothing quite like sinking into the wonderful zen comfort that is hours spent in Stardew Valley's world. While it's hard to find an exact replica on mobile, we have found a few similar games that collectively feature some of our favorite things about Stardew. Let's take a look.